Legal notice


Glexso bvba / sprl
KBO : 664.988.745
VAT : BE0664.988.745
RPR : Brussels

Head office

Nijverheidsstraat 304
1800 Vilvoorde

Contact information

David Mouvet,
Managing Director

You are currently connected to the website of the company Glexso bvba/sprl

Intellectual and Industrial Property

The general structure as well as the site’s content, in particular the texts, photographs, images and sounds are the exclusive property of Glexso bvba/sprl worldwide. Total or partial reproduction of this site or its content, by any means and without the express authorisation of Glexso bvba/sprl is forbidden.

All information, pictograms, photographs, images, texts, video sequences, animated sequences, with or without sound, and other documents accessible on the site are subject to industrial and/or intellectual property rights and are, depending on the case, the property of Glexso bvba/sprl or third parties having restrictively authorised Glexso bvba/sprl, or one of its subsidiaries, to use them.

For this reason, any reproduction, representation, adaptation, translation and/or modification, in whole or in part, or transfer to another site is forbidden. Copy of the various copyright items for private use is authorised. Their reproduction, in part or in full, without the prior written authorisation of Glexso bvba/sprl, is strictly forbidden.

This site respects copyright. All the rights of the authors of protected works reproduced and communicated on this site, are reserved. Without prior written consent, any use of the work other than reproduction and individual and private consultation is forbidden.

The image of Glexso bvba/sprl featuring on the site is protected, any total or partial reproduction of this image without the prior written authorisation of Glexso bvba/sprl is prohibited.

The violation of any of these mandatory provisions subjects the offender, and any persons responsible, to criminal and civil penalties laid down in the law.

Limitation of liability

The user uses the site at his own risk. In no case can Glexso bvba/sprl or one of its representatives be held liable for damages, direct or indirect, and in particular material damage, loss of data or programs, or financial damage resulting from access or use of this site or any sites that are linked to it. Glexso bvba/sprl accepts no responsibility in case of inaccessibility of its site in particular due to temporary failure of the network, a router, a server or a hosting server.

The content of the site is presented without any guarantee of any nature whatever. Information on the services offered by Glexso bvba/sprl corresponds to a definition that is valid when it is put online or updated on the different pages of the website; it is given for information purposes only and may not be regarded as a contractual offer of products or services originating from Glexso bvba/sprl or one of its representatives. Errors and omissions can occur. Access to products and services presented on the site may be subject to restrictions. Users are thus responsible for ensuring that they are entitled to access the site under legislation applicable in the country from which the site is to be accessed.

Applicable law

These general terms and conditions are subject to Belgian law. In the event of a dispute, the courts of the legal district of Brussels have competence.

Security consultancy

The field of security consultancy in Belgium is governed by the Federal Public Service of the Interior which grants authorisation to companies wishing to offer their security consultancy services.

Glexso bvba/sprl is currently in the process of authorisation – Authorisation request sent on 17/11/2016

Organe de contrôle

Supervisory body
Federal Public Service of the Interior
Directorate General Security and Prevention
Directorate Private Security
Mr. François Biquet
Boulevard de Waterloo 76
1000 Brussels
Phone : +32 (0) 2 557.34.43

Links and cookies

The website contains a number of hypertext links to other sites. However, Glexso bvba/sprl cannot verify the content of sites visited in this way and, as a consequence, shall accept no liability in this regard.

A "cookie" is a small file stored on your computer's hard drive when you visit a site or browse an advertisement. Cookies are used in order to improve your user experience by offering you services or offers which match your interests. You can refuse their use at any time by adjusting the settings of your Internet browser.

Audience measurement

The audience measurement tools are deployed in order to obtain information on visitor navigation. Their objective is to enable the analysis of navigation behaviour on the site for the purpose of optimisation.

Social buttons

Our site may contain computer applications originating from third parties. In particular, this may be the case with the buttons/links to social networks (this is notably the case for link buttons to the network LinkedIn).

We invite you therefore to consult their policies on cookie management and in particular privacy protection.


These cookies are used on our site or externally to present you our advertisements or send you information which is tailored to your interests. Advertising cookies are used in particular to limit the number of times you see an advertisement and they help us to measure the effectiveness of an advertising campaign.

Cookie management

To accept or refuse the installation of cookies you must configure your Internet browser. As the configuration of each browser is different, there is a description in the help menu of your browser which will help you decide how to modify your preferences in terms of cookies.

Protection of personal data

In accordance with the Belgian law of 8th December 1992 relating to privacy protection with regard to the processing of personal data, modified by the law of 11th December 1998, users are informed that they have the right to access, to amend the information held concerning them and the right to oppose.

These rights can be exercised by way of a simple written request to:
Glexso bvba/sprl
Nijverheidsstraat 304
1800 Vilvoorde

The users of the site are obliged to respect the Belgian law of 8th December 1992 modified by the law of 11th December 1998. Furthermore, they must refrain, as regards information to which they have access, from gathering, capturing, altering or using it and, in general terms, refrain from any action likely to damage people’s private lives or reputations.

Website development

This website's design, web design, logo, illustrations and technical implementations were carried out by MediaAndMe.


Glexso bvba/sprl
KBO : 664.988.745
Nijverheidsstraat 304
1800 Vilvoorde

Publishing director

David Mouvet, Managing Director


2 rue Kellermann
59100 Roubaix - France